When Devin and I met in college, one could say we were the unlikeliest of friends. We were both spending a semester in Philadelphia and working as R.A.’s at our dorm. He is an intellectual (and now working as a professor), a word that underplays just how smart he is. I was a bit of a jock in college, not really focusing on studying a whooooole lot.
But we share a self-depracating sense of humor that instantly bonded us. Well, I’m self-depracating and Devin liked to make fun of me. And we both like to make fun of other people. Whatever, it just worked. We spent the week before other students arrived watching episodes of Frazier in our pajamas. His, a button-down top with matching pants complemented by a navy robe cinched at the waist, usually with a teacup in his hand. Mine? Soccer sweats. Usually with four bowls of cereal.
We got close pretty quickly and he told me a little secret. “So…there’s this girl coming for the semester that I have a big crush on.” This girl was Katie, the beautiful woman in these photos. That spring of 2008 was one of my favorite semesters of college. Devin and Katie started dating and I started third-wheeling. It was just fantastic. We explored the city, ate delicious food and watched so much TV: Freaks and Geeks, Frazier, Will & Grace. The two of them taught me how to sound as smart as I am. They literally broadened my horizons into other friend groups and interests. Devin lent me my first David Sedaris book and I’ve been hooked ever since.
I have a lot to thank them for.
Most recently, they created a human. Little Luke to be exact! He is just the sweetest little one and it was amazing to not only meet him, but photograph him as well. Thank you Dev and Katie, for having me in your home and sharing this time of your lives with me. It’s so fun to see you as parents. You guys are already great at it. Love you both!

0 Responses
These are amazing! Love this family!
what beautiful and precious captures…of a beautiful and precious family!
I adore these.