Hello Storyteller Podcast Episode … Get Your Copy Right For Photographers

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Why writing might be hard for you …

Not everyone needs to hire a copywriter. Some people just need a little advice on how to make their own copy better. Simply put: copywriters are there to sell your services or products. But writing is actually just the cherry on top of the process. The ice cream is the research (you’ve heard me talk about this before. A lot actually.). When you do the research on who you most want to work with and why your favorite past clients decided to hire you, the writing is more like assembling. You take their words with your desires and you just put the pieces together.

It will suck at first. It always does. But write a ton, feel dumb, and then go back and dig for gold. Even in your worst writing, you’ll find little nuggets that you like. Maybe just some ideas that are on the right track or maybe full sentences that make you feel proud. Pull those into fantastic headlines and assemble your research below. Speaking of headlines …

Open Some Loops

Your headlines on your site are really just attention grabbers. They aren’t necessarily there to educate or inform (most of the time). They are there to draw readers into the conversation that you want to have with them. So a lot of copywriters talk about opening a loop with a headline. It just means introducing an intriguing idea or asking a question that the reader will want to know the answer to. Our brains naturally hunt to close that loop. If you ask a question, we naturally crave an answer. So people will continue to read your copy, expecting you to satisfy that craving. Read through your headlines to make sure you’re opening loops and piquing interest. (See that first headline at the beginning of this post? It opened a loop. If I closed it, I did my job.)

All The Details

To listen to this episode on your computer, go here.

You can also find it on the Apple Podcast App, on Spotify, Google Podcasts, and on Anchor.

What else you’ll learn:

– A big mistake I see on family photographer websites

– Outdated phrases you should take off your site or IG bio

– The most important question I ask people’s clients to figure out which direction to take the site

– The importance of experimenting when you first start out so you can book the clients you most want to work with.

Megan + Melissa! Thank you so much for having me. It was a delight to chat with you and answer some questions for your community about copy. Love everything you guys do and am so thrilled to have been invited in for 45 minutes; thank you!!

If you’ve listened to the episode and want some extra help DIY-ing your site, I’ve got a guide for that.

If you want to set up a better workflow for your business and write better emails, I’ve got templates for that.

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