Words That Sell
This is the simplest definition we have for copy. It is simply the words on your website that sell. And while it’s important that you know how to write words that sell, it’s even more crucial that you know what you’re selling.
“A lot of photographers ask themselves ‘What’s that different about me? I’m not different than other photographers.’ But if you can’t answer that question, then your clients won’t be able to either.”
So what is different? You need to be able to answer that question clearly and quickly before you write a single word. Otherwise you’re just guessing. To figure this out, you need to take inventory:
How is your process different than your competition?
What is the difference between the people you have photographed in the past and those you would like to photograph in the future?
How does your personality play into the experience of working with you?
Why are you worth the price that you charge?
These answers should be incredibly specific. And they will be a good foundation for figuring out what makes you different. Once you know that, you’re ready to learn how to sell it.
For advice on how to do that, go listen to the rest of this episode on My Wedding Season.
All The Details
To listen to this episode, find it on the Apple Podcast App and on Spotify.
What else you’ll learn:
– How to read your site through the eyes of your ideal client.
– How to repel clients you don’t want but still be extremely positive in your copy.
– How to format your home page or edit a website template you bought.
Aida! This was such a fun convo and I feel like I have a new friend now. Everything you’re doing is amazing and I’m so happy to be following along now. Thank you so much for having me!
If you’ve listened to the episode and want some extra help writing copy for your photography site, I’ve got a guide for that.
If you want to set up a better workflow for your business and write better emails, I’ve got templates for that.
One Response
Thanks, lots of good information to reflect on!