Photo Field Notes Episode … Write Copy That Gets You Booked

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Formulas Can Be Sexy Too

Is there anything less sexy or creative than a formula? They feel mathematical and void of emotion, at least to someone like me who wants to be wooed with words.

But after doing this job for five years, I have to admit that a formula or framework or template can be the key to unlocking alllllll the feelings.

That’s what me and Allie from the Photo Field Notes podcast talk about on this episode of her show.

There is an order of operations when I sit down to write copy for someone. I start with the market research (basically who a photographer serves and what those people love about working with them). Then I move on to their passion behind what they do. I find themes and overlaps between words and phrases and start to make so.many.lists.

And then? I write the formula. I type out the framework of their website and include headlines and calls to actions and design elements they want to include. I pick out testimonials that prove the point of what we’re trying to communicate about them. Then I look at my lists and pick ideas: I pick the most emotional, most resonate feelings, and I start filling in the blanks.

This is where the formula gets sexy. This is where it starts to speak to people. When you focus on the main benefit of what you offer rather than trying to throw every single detail of working with you at your potential client, they feel connected to you rather than overwhelmed or sold to.

Formulas also prevent what I call “filler copy.” They prevent you from making a list of foods you like to eat and shows you like to watch (photographers, STOP DOING THIS.).

Those things don’t convince anyone that they have to have you. They tell people that you have interests and opinions, like every other photographer in the world.

Your site is an opportunity to communicate your biggest asset with one specific kind of client. It might feel like you need to say it all, but I promise that less is more when it comes to the copy on your site.

There’s so much more on this episode. Give it a listen and lemme know what you think.

Oh and P.S. I would also encourage you to listen to the episodes leading up to mine. Allie interviewed several design experts who talked about what you can do on your website to help conversions. Design + copy go hand in hand so you’ll learn a ton from those too!

All The Details

To listen to this episode on your computer, go here.

You can also find it on the Apple Podcast App, on Spotify, and Podtail.

What else you’ll learn:
– What my major was in college.
– Why you need to repel some people in order to attract the right people.
– Why you need to lead your client on a journey and how to dictate that journey with your copy.
– How you can buy my copywriting guide and a lil discount for you!

Thank you Allie! I learned so much from you on this episode even though you were the one interviewing me. You’re so good at this and I hope you never stop doing it.

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