I got an email this week calling me The Photographer’s Copywriter. (No, I actually didn’t.) But I needed to put that phrase in the first sentence of this blog post to trick the internet. So now I guess that’s what I’m calling myself. Ugh, how annoying.
You know who isn’t going to mince words with you about who you are, what you’re great at, and what maybe isn’t your best quality?
Yo’ mama.
I mean, moms are all different and I don’t want to put them all into a box. But at least for me, there is no one else in the world that will more lovingly and genuinely compliment me than my mother. She is my biggest cheerleader. There also isn’t another soul who could list off my not-so-excellent traits as fast as she could. She would do it gently, but they are for sure right on the tip of her tongue.
If that person isn’t your mom, then just think of the person that is willing to be the most honest with you. Have them in mind? Great. Now go ask them why they like you.
For real! I ask photographers all the time what makes them different. They often respond with “Uhhhhh, I’m not sure.” WRONG ANSWER BRAH.
If you can’t tell me what makes you different, how do you expect your clients to see the value you’re bringing to the table?! The easiest way to overcome this is just to ask people what they like about you.
I have you start with your mom because it’s an easy lay-up. You’re probably not too intimidated by her and she’s probably going to be really nice. (The real value comes when you ask your clients why they like you. But I’ve already talked about that a bunch of other places).
This exercise is a starting point, not the finish line. It’s to get you comfortable asking for feedback and to reframe how you receive it. I want you to start thinking about taking the nice things people say about you and turning them into marketable traits in your copy.
It’s much easier to write about yourself when someone gives you the talking points. But you can’t get them if you don’t ask. So go ask!

P.S. Here’s an easy way to implement this immediately and make your copy better TODAY …
… call your mom, ask her why she likes you, take notes, then use at least ONE thing she says to rewrite a sentence on your website that could use a little more OOMPH.
To The Point is a video series where I share copywriting ideas for photographers, posted to my Instagram account . It’s just a quick tip to make your copy better in less than 60 seconds. These blog posts are a little more in-depth, to really dig into those ideas. If you would rather watch the short video, click below.