Writing copy for photographers is mostly about convincing them to be, well, more them. I spend 50% of my time getting to know them, 30% of my time convincing them that who they are is the best “who” they’ll ever be, and maybe 20% of my time actually writing and editing.
A lot of my clients think they need to be uber professional. They think that a “Warm Regards” and a “Thank you so much for your time” is going to sell someone on their talent. I think the opposite is true, most of the time: people want to work with someone who has a personality and a life. So talk about it.
Don’t be afraid to share details about you and your experiences. Your client is always the star of the show and should be your main focus. But show that you have a heartbeat. Talk about what it was like when you were wedding planning. Or maybe how much you loved the last couple you shot at this venue. You are a wonderful, complex human being—your words should prove that.
For most of us, our businesses and our personal lives are intertwined. I know we’re all about boundaries these days, but you wouldn’t own this business if it didn’t matter to you on a soul level. Let some of that vulnerability seep into your business. It’s what will draw people to you.

One more thing …
Professionalism can come across in your copy without using stuffy words. It’s in the small details like correct punctuation and grammar. It’s in the timeliness of your responses. It’s in the thoughtfulness and the offering helpful information. It’s not in the jargon.
Don’t get hung up on what a professional would say. Get hung up on how they would treat their client.
P.S. Here’s an easy way to implement this immediately and make your copy better TODAY …
… go to your About page, your IG bio, or even the signature in your email. Read through it and find a place to be just a little more open about who you are outside of work. Don’t tell me you like tacos. Tell me something you dream about. Something you’re scared of. Tell me an embarrassing story—just something that makes you more human.
To The Point is a video series posted to my Instagram account where I give you a quick tip to make your copy better in less than 60 seconds. If you would rather watch the video, be my guest: