Why Working For Green Chair Stories Is The Best
We are all about learning, growing, and serving around here.
We are generous with our knowledge and our wallets. (We pay hella well.)
We aren’t afraid of failure or success and we love bringing more people along for the ride.

Associate Writer Position
What we need:
A website copywriter with some experience. It doesn’t need to be a ton, but you need to know the difference between being a “good writer” and writing words that sell. We’ll teach you everything we know.
This job will be part-time and you will be paid by the project.
Skills you need:
Necessary … The ability to tell a good story in writing. Great listening skills. Empathy.
Nice-to-have … Basic knowledge of photography/experience working with photographers. Huge plus if you have written websites or taken any web copywriting courses.
Who we are:
Green Chair Stories is a small but growing copywriting collective. That’s a fancy word for a team of people who write A LOT of words. We write websites exclusively for photographers. We help our clients see what makes them different and write copy for them that feels as good as their photos look. Our process is intense (only one client at a time and websites are written in 11 days). We give each client our full attention while we work with them. We don’t believe in quality over quantity. We believe in doing both.
Our team:
Founded in 2014, we evolved from a family photography business into a copywriting business for photographers. We have five team members:
– Rachel, Head Writer and Founder.
– Three Associate Writers, Jenny + Kaitlyn + Erika. Jenny’s been with us for almost three years. Kaitlyn + Erika came on almost a year ago.
– One Captain of Organization, Jess, who started with us in July 2021.
We are growing our team and our capacity and are looking forward to bringing on someone who can jump on a fast-moving train.
Does this describe you?
You …
… live in Denver, Colorado or very close.
… have copywriting experience. You know that good writing means good research. You know that every word on a website needs to have a reason for being there. You know what makes a website work, and are willing to learn a new system and process.
… don’t mind feedback. From superiors and from clients. Copywriting = tons of feedback.
… are naturally empathetic and good at listening. This is huge. HUGE. If you’ve been told by more than one person in your life that you’re not a good listener, then this isn’t a good fit.
… are a fast but thorough learner. You do not need to be told twice. You’re not afraid to ask questions that will help you understand something better.
How to apply:
If you would like to be considered for this role, please apply by following these instructions by November 14. If you don’t follow the instructions exactly, you will not be considered:
Email rachel@greenchairstories.com with the subject line: Associate Writer Position.
Write a few paragraphs that describe why you want this job and any recent job experience that applies to this role.
Attach any samples or links to your portfolio that you think we should see.
P.S. We pay well.
“Thank you for seriously being the best person+company to work for.
I brag about what an amazing gig it is all the time.”
From Our wRITER

The hardest part about writing is starting. It’s the blinking cursor on the blank page.