Oh you wanna
know how much
this’ll cost ya?

You took the first step toward getting more clients in your inbox!
We cannot express how proud we are of you. And honored that you want our help.
Below, you’ll find detailed pricing about everything we offer.
Even if you don’t hire us, thank you for reaching out.
You’re in the GCS orbit now and we hope you’ll love it here.
Love you mean it,
The Green Chair Stories Team
“When I opened my copy for the first time I wasn’t sure whether I should laugh or cry. How did they know me almost better than I knew myself?
The best part about working with GCS is that they actually care about you, your business, your business goals, and your clients.
You can tell that this team realllllyyyyy wants to know you and know you well! They want to infuse you in ever part of your copy.
Since the new copy and site have been up, every single inquiry has mentioned some line on my website that they connected with and they have all booked me without batting an eye. The GCS team is truly amazing!”
From Our Clients
How can we help?
There are three ways we help photographers with their copy:
Full website copy
This is by far our most popular (and recommended!) offer. This is for the photographer who is ready to step into the next level of business. You know what you love to do and who you love to do it for. But maybe you just don’t know how to attract those dream clients. Guess what? We do! Let us help.
We always start these on Mondays, and we only work with one client at a time so you have our FULL attention. We’ll research our tushies off before your call but once we start, it goes quick! Your copy will be fully edited and ready to go in just 11 days later!
This service includes …
- 5 pages of website copy
- Our research … we read every review ever left for you, all social media posts within the past 1-2 years, AND we interview 3 of your favorite past clients.
- A detailed questionnaire
- A 60-90 minute initial call
- The Enneagram personality test
- A first draft (edited by writers on our team) a week after your initial call
- A detailed profile of your One Reader, the person/couple you should always have in mind when you write for your business going forward.
- A color-coded version of your copy with a key to show you where all of these words and ideas came from.
- A Loom video explaining the copy and how to edit with us.
- Expert SEO Research, with 3 pages including target keywords identified and written for.
- Unlimited edits with us for a full work week starting the day we deliver the copy (Monday-Friday).
- A portfolio edit so your website images match your new copy perfectly.
The cost of this is $5,500.
Website Copy lite
This is for the photographer who knows they need some copy help, but isn’t quite ready to invest in our full shebang. This offer will get you over the finish line, so you can finally have a website you feel proud of and one that actually sounds like you!
We always start these on Mondays, and we only work with one client at a time so you have our FULL attention. We’ll research before your call but once we start, it goes quick! Your copy will be fully edited and ready to go by Friday.
This service includes …
- 3 pages of website copy
- Mini research … we read every review ever left for you and all social media posts within the past 1-2 years. We’ll also comb over any research you’ve done on your own!
- A detailed questionnaire
- A 60-90 minute initial call
- A first draft (edited by writers on our team) just 48 hours after your call.
- A short profile of your One Reader, the person/couple you should always have in mind when you write for your business going forward.
- A Loom video explaining the copy and how to edit with us.
- Two rounds of edits, which must be completed by Friday morning.
The cost of this is $3,800.
Green chair glow up
This is for the photographer who has a decent site with decent copy. But you just need to zhuzh it up a bit. You might be rebranding and need a refresh. Or maybe it has the right sentiment, but it’s not converting. Or you need help organizing your thoughts, ideas, and layout. Whatever it is, you know you don’t need a full rewrite, but you’re desperate for some expert help.
This option is not just an audit. It’s so much more. You get a long questionnaire and then one of our writers reviews that along with your current site, your social media, and all the reviews you have from previous clients. Then we hop on a call and comb through every piece of your site together and we give advice about how to make your copy pop a little more. We’re not necessarily writing copy for you line by line, but giving you ideas and suggestions and some notes of copy that could work for you. We send you a document with allllll of our suggestions within 48 hours of the call and then you can implement whatever you think is helpful for you.
This service includes
- Our research … we read every review ever left for you and all social media posts within the past 1-2 years.
- A detailed questionnaire
- A 60-90 minute call
- A Google Doc with all of our suggestions within 48 hours after your call.
The cost of this is $2,500.
Oh, one more thing ...
For the past 10 years in business, we have committed to donating a portion of every single dollar we earn. But as of 2023, we are inviting our clients into that process with us. So if you hire us, you have a choice. You can either pay the full amount of the service listed OR you donate 10% of that amount to a nonprofit organization of your choice.
If you do that, then we will reduce your invoice on our end. This is tax-deductible for you and you get to choose where your money goes. We see it as a win-win.
You’ll make that decision when you book. You have 24 hours from the time of signing the contract to show us your donation receipt and then we will invoice you accordingly.
Copy Add-Ons
– Keyword Research for all 5 pages that we write the copy for.
– Keyword Bank
– Keyword Map which includes:
… Target Keywords
… Secondary Keywords
… Long tail Keywords
… Image Title Tags (what your images should be titled)
… Meta Description
… H1 Tags
This offer costs $750 and is only available to Glow Up and Website Lite Clients.
– Keyword Research for 5 main pages
– Keyword Bank
– Keyword Map:
- Target Keywords
- Secondary Keywords
- Long tail Keywords
- Image Title Tags (what your images should be titled)
- Meta Description
- H1 Tags
– Optimization of 2 pages (We will choose this together):
- Optimizing H1 Header
- Retitling of Images
- Alt Text
- SEO Title Headline
- Meta Description
- Platform Specific Adjustments
- Setting up Google Analytics and Google Search Console
- Submitting of sitemap to Google
– Google Doc Containing:
- Current SEO Stats … What’s working well, what isn’t working well (and how to fix it). Where your page is ranking for their target keywords. Technical issues that need to be addressed.
- Backend Homework … Page specific optimizing suggestions. This will include what we did for your optimized pages.
- Blogging Strategy … Incorporating your keyword research to define which keywords you should focus on (at least 10 to cycle through to keep it organic), which words need to be in every post and how many times and where. Long tail keyword suggestions.
- Blog Post Ideas … 20 completely customized blog post ideas, including titles, and target keywords … enough ideas for an entire year of blog posts.
This offer costs $1,750.
$300 per blog. All over 1,500 words. Only available to past clients. Inquire for more details.
“I wish I had gone all in with them years ago!
The BEST part about working with Green Chair Stories is receiving website copy that feels just like YOU. Every word is handcrafted with care. They take you by the hand and help you every step of the way! I was nervous about making such a big investment – but I’ve now had my website live for over a year and I can say wholeheartedly that it was worth EVERY penny. If you’re thinking of hiring this team…don’t wait.”
From Our Clients

The hardest part about writing is starting. It’s the blinking cursor on the blank page.