What I Know About…Turning 28.

That's me, being 28. This is what I call an "outtake" because Travis forgets that he needs to squat while taking a photo of me. (It's also an outtake because look at my face and the pregnant shape my shirt is making. Better with age, I tell ya'.)

That’s me, being 28. This is what I call an “outtake” because Travis forgets that he needs to squat while taking a photo of me. (It’s also an outtake because look at my face and the pregnant shape my shirt is making. Better with age, I tell ya’.)

What I Know About Wednesdays (#WIKA) is a series where I  write about things I know about on—you guessed it—Wednesdays. I figure I know at least seven things about the important topics in our world. I provide lists of my acquired knowledge which will no doubt change your life each week.

I’ve been 28 years old for an entire six days. And let me tell you … I’ve learned some stuff.

1. At 27, I could still be considered in my mid-twenties. It’s the halfway mark between mid- and late-twenties. Once I hit 28, well, it’s late-twenties from here on out.
2. I know Taylor thinks 22 is all the rage, but I think Florence Welch should write a song about being 28 (I definitely had to google which celebrities are 28. I cannot believe she is 28. I checked many sources and she totally is).
3. My sister says it’s the age that you have no excuses for not being responsible. I guess it’s better than when I turned 25 and she told me that I needed to start worry about my wrinkles and forced me to use anti-aging creams. Thanks for the words of wisdom Mattie!
4. I am two years away from 30, which is the age I’ve always wanted to be. It just seems so cool. Like you can still hang with the college kids as far as knowing what’s cool (even though you probably don’t use any of the words they do), but you’re serious enough in your career that people maybe will stop using the term Millennial in such an aggressive way toward you in meetings. Is this not true? Please tell me this is true.
5. Getting older is expensive. I’ve recently started a couple things: a gym membership, a massage membership, and a skin care regimen (see #3). At first, I thought I was just becoming more responsible. And then? I realized my body is just slowly shutting down.
6. Tattoos are now less of a reality. I’ve been toying with a few different tattoo ideas for about a decade. I’ve just been waiting for something to matter enough to me get it branded on my skin. Turning 28 has me thinking that this window is closing. I’m giving myself a two-year time cap.
7. I get better with age! Like a fine wine, a good cheese, and a cholic-y baby, time makes everything better. 

After writing this, I googled “Being 28” to see if anyone else did this. And I found this video and it’s funnier than what I just wrote, so just watch it. 


0 Responses

  1. Rachel! Love this – you are too cute. I am 32 and I still haven’t gotten on a grown up skin care routine. You’ve inspired me 😉 Here’s to getting better with age!

    1. Thanks Lindsey! And as cheesy as it sounds, the best skin care routine I’ve found is Mary Kay. They know their stuff when it comes to getting rid of wrinkles!

  2. Happy (belated) birthday! I’m 38 and I should REALLY get serious about wrinkle prevention. Keep laughing, though. I think laugh lines are just evidences of joy!

  3. I really like the idea of this series! I have yet to learn anything about 28–I’m still trying to believe that even after my upcoming 24th birthday I can still qualify as being in my early 20s. Not sure if that’s legit or not. My husband is turning 31 though, and watching him safely survive entering his 30s and still being awesome has given me great hope for the decade.

    1. It’s a great decade! My 20s have been good to me so no complaining, but my husband is also 31 and he seems to think that 30s are where it’s at. We’ll find out!

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